Friday, April 23, 2010

Not to ignite when insulted Others


There was a man named Chen Zhiding who live outside the city gates Bianyi from Yangzhou in the Qing dynasty. He and his three sons to make a living by selling rice on their small shop. Because they sell the rice one cent cheaper than other stores, all the poor people came to his shop to buy rice. Unexpectedly, only in about four years, he managed to accumulate several hundred burrows silver (count of China's first).
One night, a thick board that covered the ditch outside the front door of the barn they were stolen. The next day, her three children in the street shouting: "Who took the trench cover boards? Please return it as soon as possible to avoid the curse" After they yelled several times, no one is answering. That night, beyond their expectations, there is a villain, really drunk and off his clothes, and stood with her naked breasts in front of their stores. It was a cold spring. Drunken thugs who were standing in front of the store and shouted a few words:

"I stole the trench cover board to purchase wine and sell it. If you dare to come out, I'll fight you to death. If you do not dare go out, I will curse your ancestors for three generations." Third son can not tolerate humiliation and want to come out to give lessons for the bastard. Zhiding lock the door and told his children: "He was drunk and it was dark. It is hard to see who he is. Let him curse and do not bother arguing with him." The bastard then took mud and put it on the front door. He continues to condemn until losing his voice and breathing hard. And the bastard finally bored and leave. Because he was drunk and without clothes, she was cold and tired to scream. Finally the bastard died in the middle of the night as well.
Bastard wife thought: "When he was yelling and insulting Chen family, they shut the door and did not return. So they did not come out to fight with him. So we did not have a case to complain to the authorities of justice rule." Therefore, his wife had to buy a coffin and buried her own husband.
Three children Chen said: "If we do not listen to our father and went out to fight with him, how could we have escaped responsibility for his death?"
Our ancestors had to set an example that patience is the key to trouble-free life. (Erabaru / ed)

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