Thursday, April 22, 2010



Published: 08 Feb 2010 18:42:00 WIB by: Kickandy

He is a figure of a teacher who really cares children growth with special needs.
State special schools in Semarang, where he served as Headmaster now started in 2002. Initially, she opened the hall RW SLB in a room near his house, then moved beside his garage for about three years.
In February 2005, they received a bid to develop special schools and they moved to a new place with a total of 30 students and nine student teachers from their homes built. Because there is no government funding of teachers who teach administered by the parents, Ciptono move their belongings themselves, such as cooking utensils and table. Year 2006, funding from the government came and as it grows in the year 2008, SLB Semarang State already has 242 students and 60 teachers.
Salaries received by teachers coming from the BOS funds, the government and from the results of their business units such as credit sales, VCD crew of talented performances, selling grass field behind the school from which they cultivated and sold food such as crackers.
According Ciptono Semarang State SLB foster children for the blind, deaf, grahita tuna, tuna and autism proper. In addition, they also have several training workshops such as culinary, carpentry, automotive, clothing, electricity and gardening. So for children who do not have the academic ability, they are directed and trained skills. In these schools, Ciptono 20% committed to hiring employees who are graduates with disabilities and special schools. This was done to demonstrate to citizens that they can also work. In addition, also to foster the confidence of other children. Ciptono added, among those with disabilities have become an assistant in the automotive field with a salary of Rp. 200000-250000. Sometimes there is also a salary from their parents but is deposited to the school.
Ciptono graduated from the Teachers' Training College, Yogyakarta, in 1987, teaching in special schools Ciptono wantu Wirawan, Salatiga, with a salary of Rp. 5000/month plus Rp. 700 for transportation. Run out of money received within 5 days. Fortunately, for the cost of daily transportation, Ciptono assisted by his father, Jayin Hartowiyono which is the owner of the bus fleet and Hidayah Mutual Assistance in Salatiga. Ciptono own education was raised by his grandmother with "hard". According to his confession, her grandmother taught her to love others, especially those who are not capable and needy.
His own mother had died since he was 3 years old. One of the values taught by his grandmother is a "help others when you can help." This message is so imprinted in your mind so that he once showed Ciptono totality for education for the crew (Children with special needs). Ciptono also wants to show the public that the crew has an uncanny ability, adding that their social lives to help the crew emerged since graduating high school in 1982. Initially, Ciptono could enroll in Medical UGM but not accepted. Then, he decided to enroll in the Teachers' Training College of Education majors Extraordinary Yogyakarta.
Ciptono also a pioneer for the three schools. One such SLB Bina Hope helps children who hard in learning. In this school, opened a special class which is a place for children in special schools should attend school but her parents still can not accept that their children. Therefore, in this school, parents are given advance understanding in order to receive the children attending special schools. Ciptono was always told other teachers that "there is behind the lack of excess."

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