Saturday, May 22, 2010

Marine algae is a rich intake of Nutrition


Marine algae is one of the most useful plants that provided natural. This plant is able to support yourself and fast growth. As food and fertilizer, he has minerals that are very high.

Marine algae is similar to terrestrial plants. He does not reproduce through seed or flower, each cell capable of reproducing themselves rapidly. He can grow until it reaches 90 meters and a forest of seaweed can be found in shallow waters throughout the oceans of the world.

This algae not only contain high mineral, but also have traces of chemical elements including gold, silver, iron, vanadium, titanium, as well as silicon, tin, and boron.
Small amounts of this mineral is present in the human body, especially in the glandular system. Although modern knowledge with a clear understanding of their role, by providing additional nutrients that the body is the same for a good step, if we want a healthy function.

One of the minerals which are popularly used as a treatment of iodine, usually used to prevent the development of thyroid goiter. The content of iodine in marine algae can be directly used in the thyroid, without the need to process it first.

Concentrated high of nearly all the vitamins and minerals that humans need not only make the sea algae are in the top list of super foods, but also very valuable to the herbalist to prescribe it for conditions related to blood, breath, muscles, bones, joints, digestive, nervous system and skin. He also utilized as a general tonic and gland tissue to conditions that are not clear and settled that often respond to one or more traces of chemical elements that are generally not available in modern food.

We also get the benefits of vitamins in marine algae. Vitamin B-12 are contained in amounts proportional to the hearts of animals made of seaweed is important for vegetarians. Other vitamins include: vitamin C, in amounts proportional to oranges, vitamin E and K, and vitamin D in the form of vegetables.

Seaweed granules can be found in the grocery store and a small amount sprinkled on food (usually seafood), is a good way to use seaweed in the menu.

Marine algae also contain sugar in the form of vegetables that do not raise blood sugar levels. Therefore, marine algae is a good dietary supplement for diabetics. Various types of marine algae known to produce large amounts of sugar, with the ability to grow rapidly, up to 50 cm per day, he also proved to be a source of alcohol for fuel.

For those who like gardening, marine algae, one of the most complete fertilizer. He can be distributed and planted not too deep, soaked in fresh water and used as fertilizer, liquid, or mixed with compost in the form of ready to be absorbed by plants. Adding seaweed to the soil not only complement the long-lost minerals and trace elements of chemicals that are released for thousands of years, he also increased the microorganisms is important for healthy soil.

Northern European traditional culture of seaweed harvesting in early to mid summer and use them in a diverse and varied ways: as fuel, fertilizer, layer to the house, added to the fire that bloat fish and bacon, as well as in the form of ash is used to close the cheese matured algae . She also used for glass and soap industries beginning in the 1800s.

As a vegetable algae to none, only requires drying process first.
Algae only organic foods are left in these modern times. Why? He has cells that are resistant to everything that is not natural, and after drying, there are no pollutants of any kind.
Will result in better health if we use more of these plants are perfect. (Huges Luke / The Epoch Times / feb)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Livestock Produce 51 Percent of Greenhouse Gases

Hutan Gundul

World Watch Institute, in a report that was pioneered Edition Watch Magazine November / December 2009 mentions that livestock are responsible for causing at least 51 percent of global greenhouse gases. This is no longer yellow lights, but had a red light.

World Watch Institute is an independent research organization in Washington the United States that stood since 1974. This organization is known critical global issues and the environment. Writer's Dr. Robert Goodland, former environmental adviser to the field for the World Bank and World Bank research staff Jeff Anhang. Both this report based Long Shadow Ranch, a report published in 2006 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Magazine was published in 36 languages and research data used by many NGOs (nongovernmental organizations) around the world, and agencies under the United Nations. NGOs are using the data include Greenpeace Southeast Asia, and Yayasan Obor Indonesia.

The two researchers also calculated emissions of the life cycle of farmed fish production, CO2 from breathing animal, and correction of the actual calculation of the number of reported cattle on earth. Methane gas released by cattle heat binds 72 times more powerful than CO2. This represents an increase that is more accurate than the original calculation of the FAO with warming potential of 23 times. However, researchers were told that their estimates about 51 percent were still minimal numbers.

"The people of Indonesia, even the parties should pay attention to environmental issues, must know information about the impact of livestock industry and the dangers of meat. What are the Indonesian government to do right now? The data is spread out. The government, if it still does not believe about the dangers of meat, please go to the Internet and find out, "said environmentalists are also professors of architecture Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University, Agustinus Madyana Putra.

Beggar Handkerchief


One day in antiquity, a beggar who thirst to go to the front door of a large house. It is clear that it was the home of the rich. When he knocked on the door, the hostess did not care and ordered the maids away.

Among the residents of the house there was a female servant. When he saw the beggar he felt sorry and secretly gave him a cup of water and some food residue. When finished eating, a beggar with a softly thanked the maid and said "I do not have anything decent to pay you, I only have this handkerchief. Take it."

Early the next morning, the maid of beggars who are interested in using a handkerchief given to the previous day, to clean the face. After performing the task in the morning, he went into the dining room to serve breakfast. When the hostess saw his assistants, he was very surprised what he saw, he could not speak. Assistants felt very strange and asked the hostess: Would you okay, lady? "He said 'you face!" Is there something on my face? " Ask the waiter said, wiping his face again with his handkerchief. Mistress of the house was even more surprised and shouted, "Sweep hand what it is?" Waiters do not seem to understand. Having heard the lady screaming, people come from all corners of the house ran into the room. Everyone just stood and stared. At this time maid sister became curious and anxious, then he borrowed a mirror. When he looked into the mirror, he was also staring at her in amazement. He sees a beautiful woman's face, this face she had never seen in his life.

Mrs suddenly realized that the handkerchief has changed the appearance of his assistants, to be beautiful. He took a handkerchief from aides and immediately use it to wash her face. But his face did not change at all no matter how hard he or wiped clean. He asked the waiter: "Where did you get this handkerchief?" The waiter says: From the beggar who came for water, he gave it to me "Madame's jealous and regretted his actions and said," I should give him water "Then he ordered his servant," Bring all the beggars in the city for me, immediately.! "

He invited the beggar to his house and gave them lots of food and beverages. After they drank and ate and were satisfied, very satisfied beggars, so they went one by one. Hostess when he saw them go one by one he screamed, Wait, do not go, give me your handkerchief before you go! "The beggars ignore and keep walking. He was very angry, he grabbed the last beggar and demanding," Give me your handkerchief "The beggar has no choice but to give a dirty handkerchief!. Hostess immediately took the handkerchief and use it to wipe the face. However, the more he wiped and wiped his face, his face becomes black.

This story illustrates an important fact. A person can not perform good deeds with selfish reasons and intentions behind them. Only when one acts spontaneously, unconditionally with a pure heart and good mind, without expecting in return, will receive untold rewards. Such acts will thrill the sky and bring amazing benefits, to people unconditionally. Certain. (Erabaru / art)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Three Types of Doors

pintu2 Long ago there was a prince, he asked the teacher a scholar: "How is my life's journey." The teacher replied: "In the journey of your life, you will meet with three kinds of doors, every door is written above a line of words, when you see it you will surely understand what I say. "

Finally the prince began his journey. Not long later, he met with the door first. Above the door is written "Change the World." Prince then thought, in accordance with the ideals of me I had to change the world, change the things I do not like to see. Finally he did in accordance with the plan. Several years later he met again with the second door. Written thereon "Changing Others." The prince thought, I am with my brilliant mind will teach others, so they can be more developed. In the end he met with a third door. Written on it "Change Yourself." Prince thought, I'll change my character to be even better. Finally he did it all.

One day, the prince was reunited with his teacher, he said: "I've found three types of doors in my life journey, which I understand is" Changing world "is better to change the existing everyone in this world. Instead of changing the other person is better to change ourselves. "Scholar teacher who after hearing his words with a smile replied:" Maybe it's better you walk back, with careful see clearly the three types of door. "

Prince with a half-believing half sanctions walked back again. From a distance he saw the door of the third, but apparently not the same as when he came, from this side look above the door read, "Trying to Accept Yourself." At this moment the prince understood at the time he changed himself he felt life was very difficult and suffer because he can not recognize and accept her own deficiencies, he was always pursuing the ideals that are beyond its capabilities, which cause he could not see the advantages it has. At this moment he became aware of and respect ourselves. Prince continued on his way to walk back. He saw the door of the both the words "Attempting to Accept Others." At this moment he understood why he was so upset, because he can not recognize and accept differences of opinion between himself to others, he always could not understand the difficulties of others. At this time realized he should gracefully accept others. Prince to continue his journey, he saw the door first written above it "Trying to Receive World Here." At this moment the prince understands why when he changed the world he's always failed, because he refused to accept that many things in this world can not be done by human hands, thus making he was not doing good things she could do. Now he understands that the world must accept for what it is.

At this time the scholars were waiting for her teacher and told the prince: "I think, now you know what it means to live in peace and quiet?." (Minghui School / hui)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cows Used for Their Milk



The 9 million cows living on dairy farms in the United States spend most of their lives in large sheds or on feces-caked mud lots, where disease is rampant.3 Cows raised for their milk are repeatedly impregnated. Their babies are taken away so that humans can drink the milk intended for the calves. When their exhausted bodies can no longer provide enough milk, they are sent to slaughter and ground up for hamburgers.

Cows produce milk for the same reason that humans do: to nourish their babies. In order to force the animals to continue giving milk, factory farmers impregnate them using artificial insemination every year. Calves are generally taken from their mothers within a day of being born—males are destined for veal crates, and females are sentenced to the same fate as their mothers.


Mother cows on dairy farms can often be seen searching and calling for their calves long after they have been separated. Author Oliver Sacks, M.D., wrote of a visit that he and cattle expert Dr. Temple Grandin made to a dairy farm and of the great tumult of bellowing that they heard when they arrived: “‘They must have separated the calves from the cows this morning,’ Temple said, and, indeed, this was what had happened. We saw one cow outside the stockade, roaming, looking for her calf, and bellowing. ‘That’s not a happy cow,’ Temple said. ‘That’s one sad, unhappy, upset cow. She wants her baby. Bellowing for it, hunting for it. She’ll forget for a while, then start again. It’s like grieving, mourning—not much written about it. People don’t like to allow them thoughts or feelings.’”4

After their calves are taken from them, mother cows are hooked up, several times a day, to machines that take the milk intended for their babies. Using genetic manipulation, powerful hormones, and intensive milking, factory farmers force cows to produce about 10 times as much milk as they naturally would.5 Animals are pumped full of bovine growth hormone (BGH), which contributes to painful inflammation of the udder known as “mastitis.” (BGH is used throughout the U.S., but has been banned in Europe and Canada because of concerns over human health and animal welfare.)6 According to the industry’s own figures, between 30 and 50 percent of dairy cows suffer from mastitis, an extremely painful condition.7

A cow’s natural lifespan is 25 years, but cows used by the dairy industry are killed after only four or five years.8 An industry study reports that by the time they are killed, nearly 40 percent of dairy cows are lame because of the filth, intensive confinement, and the strain of constantly being pregnant and giving milk.9 Dairy cows are turned into soup, companion animal food, or low-grade hamburger meat because their bodies are too “spent” to be used for anything else.

Veal Calves

Male calves—“byproducts” of the dairy industry—are generally taken from their mothers when they are less than 1 day old.10 The calves are then put into dark, tiny crates, where they are kept almost completely immobilized so that their flesh stays tender. The calves are fed a liquid diet that is low in iron and has little nutritive value in order to make their flesh white. This heinous treatment makes the calves ill, and they frequently suffer from anemia, diarrhea, and pneumonia. Frightened, sick, and alone, these calves are killed after only a few months of life. “Veal” is the flesh of a tortured, sick baby cow, and a byproduct of the milk industry.

All adult and baby cows, whether raised for their flesh or their milk, are eventually shipped to a slaughterhouse and killed.


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