Wearing a black dress or your boss can be a disaster for the owners of dandruff hair. Perfect appearance in front of people suddenly vanished when the white flakes that appear in the crown of the head falling on the shoulder and handle the clothes worn.
Yes, dandruff is a major bugbear for some people. In the mild stage, the appearance of dandruff can disrupt the appearance and confidence. In more severe cases of dandruff, itchiness and scratching can cause hair loss. In addition, the scalp can also be affected by a bacterial infection due to scratching it.
In medicine, dandruff is part of a skin disease known as seborrheic dermatitis. The appearance of dandruff is the culprit microorganism called Malassezia fungi.
"Mold is a lot to like oily areas, such as hair or Scalp skin area," said Eddy Karta, skin specialists and sex of the House, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Jakarta.
Therefore, in addition to the head, dandruff can also arise in other areas, such as eyebrows, mustache, and ear area. Only, as compared with the skin in other body areas, the scalp tends to have more oil glands (sebum). That way, the level of sensitivity on the scalp higher.
"The production of sebum is affected by the hormone androgen," said Arthur S. Simon, a specialist skin and venereal from Pertamina Hospital, Balikpapan, Kalimantan Selatan.
Androgen hormones appear only in adults. Hence, dandruff often attack a person who has the age of 20 years. There are several factors that trigger the hormone androgen bekeja harder, and produce more sebum.
Among the stress of heavy workload, often hair exposed to sun, and the impact of high air pollution levels. "It all could make sebaceous glands produce more oil so that the fungus Malassezia grows more and dandruff arises," said Eddy.
Clean and healthy life if not because of genetics or heredity, dandruff can still be cured. However, for people with dandruff due to genetic factors, do not expect that dandruff can be completely cured. "Dandruff due to congenital factors can not be cured, but can be controlled," said Arthur.
Overcoming the appearance of dandruff can be done by preventing the originators of factors. Clean and healthy lifestyle plays an important role to overcome the appearance of dandruff.
Some ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet of fats, carbohydrates and protein. Then, do regular exercise, avoid junk food, cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. Try to also avoid the stress of internal and external. "Live a balanced, calm, and always think positive," said Eddy.
Maintain cleanliness of the sca
lp is also equally important. Dung heap of sebum, dead skin cells, and sweat may accelerate flaking scalp cells to facilitate the emergence of dandruff. It is therefore advisable hair care routine, like washing your hair every other day. Head which has a high sensitivity level is recommended to use a gentle shampoo products. (Cash / Sanny Cicilia Simbolon)
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